I'd like to introduce you all to SLOWTRIP from Los Angeles. A real a$$ compilation of former and current hardcore band members; SLOWTRIP is made up of L.A. natives Alfredo “Tank” Pedroza (Rotting Out), Martin Alcedo (No Bragging Rights), John Alaimo (The Greenery), and Dan Mayo (The Greenery). Though the members of SLOWTRIP all came from hardcore backgrounds, the band takes on a new identity as the combined influences of shoegaze, grunge, and "stoner" rock infiltrate the band's new sound. Self described as “L.A. Crunch Rock”.
Now with a brand new EP (Blur) on the way for early Spring, that was produced and engineered by Scott Goodrich (Culture Abuse), SLOWTRIP are ready to premiere their new single for "Makeshift Happiness". A song that floats through a love affair with Mary Jane as "she" takes the narrator away from life's troubles, even if only for a short while, to provide relief and a makeshift sense of happiness.
LIMITED TO 100 TOTAL in Clear!
1) Follow
2) 2004
3) Makeshift Happiness
4) Secondary